martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Finally "A Pray for an Unique voice" photos

Ok... maybe you thought -what the f##k with tha girl that only said "I'm going to do a project for Hayato and I will going to share the photos of the book in this page"- well. I'm here.

First, I want to say a big, big sorry because I didn't write anything about this project call A Pay for an Unique Voice, where (not a lot of people but) you participated. Thanks for the seven people that participated in this project and make this real. But sorry, I was very, very ocupied and I can't load photos or sit down and write as now. I just only had a few minutes to write news of DuelJewel (and some of theme I did in my job). Sorry :(

But now I have a lot of time and... I want to share with you the project that together we make true. I hope you like it. All the pictures and feelings you send me are secret so don't worry if the people will read it. I don't goint to load them :)

I bought materials and started to created the book. I draw the flags (sorry of my bad painting www) and paste in the fomi paper.
Then I draw the countries name and the hearts with the countries name but in japanese (maybe Hayato don't understand romaji so I wrote them in japanes, easier for him)

All the material that I used for the book. The ohotos of Hayato and things that prove our support to made the portrait and stamps to decorated our feelings.

I divided the feelings for countries and I acommodated in alphabetical order. Thats how it looks


What'a why Unitades Kingdom and Vietnam photos are backwards o.o!!
Well and finaly the end job. I like it, hope you too and our love Hayato love it :)


 Thanks for all people that participated in this project. With this Hayato will recover soon and find the power in his heart. Love you and support you Hayato even in the bad momments.

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